Monthly Archives: January 2012

A New Year

Where does the time go?  The January/February issue has been mailed and received by our subscribers (hopefully the PO hasn’t let us down!) and I’m starting to work on March/April. Spring! With snow on the ground and ice on the lake where I am currently, thinking spring takes a little imagination. Those who compete are studying the ADS Omnibus and those who don’t are may be planning driving vacations to The National Drive or Acadia National Park.

My goal as editor of Driving Digest is to provide content that appeals to all drivers, but I need to k now from you if I’m achieving that goal. I’m so happy that we have so many talented contributors on board. If you have an idea for an article or an activity that you think our readers would like to have us cover, please let me know.  My email is: .

An other goal is to post more frequently on this blog and on Facebook. 

May 2012 be the best driving year yet!